6. Sarah (Sally) Nuchols

b. Mar 17 1829, Blount County, Tennessee, died Dec 19 1896, Blount County, Tennessee. She was buried in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee. Sally married (1) Jan 16 1851, in Blount County, Tennessee, Vincent Everett, (son of William Richard Everett and Mary Gay). He was born 28 Aug 1828, in Blount County, Tennessee, and died 25 Mar 1874 in Blount County, Tennessee. Vincent was buried in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee. Sarah married (2) Jan 5 1880, in Blount County, Tennessee, Josiah Gamble, (son of Moses Gamble and Jane McCauley). He was born 20 Nov 1832 in Blount County, Tennessee, and died 23 Dec 1905 in Blount County, Tennessee. Josiah was buried in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee.

Children by Vincent Everett:

23a. i James Thomas Everett b. 22 Dec 1859.

7. Nancy Elizabeth Nuchols

b. 7 Jun 1831, Blount County, Tennessee. She died 28 Apr 1923, Blount County, Tennessee, and was buried in Piney Level Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee. Nancy marries 9 Oct 1851, in Blount County, Tennessee, Alsop White, (son of Isaac Anderson White, Sr. and Nancy Agnes Everett). He was born 7 Jun 1827 in Blount County, Tennessee, and died 30 Oct 1901 in Blount County, Tennessee. Alsop was buried in Piney Level Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee.

    Travelers approaching the White home would stop for a cool drink of water from their large spring. Nancy Nuchols would always give some of her sweet bread to anyone who stopped for water. Alsop: During the Civil War, a soldier was seen on Aslop and Nancy's property. He stole a mare belonging to Alsop, killed a young colt, stole meat from the attic, and corn from the barn. Alsop went blind several years before he died.


24. i James Harrison White b. 4 Jul 1852.

25. ii Sarah A. (Sally) White b. 16 Apr 1855.

26. iii Nancy Elizabeth White b. 30 Dec 1858.

iv William W. White b. 31 Dec 1859, Blount County, Tennessee, and died 3 Mar 1861, Blount County, Tennessee. William was buried in Piney Level Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee.

27. v Mary Jane White b. 2 Nov 1862.

28. vi Rebecca Ann White b. 2 Dec 1866.

29. vii John Anderson White b. 10 Nov 1870.

30. viii Minnie Magnolia White b. 11 Apr 1876.

8. David Thomas Nuchols

b. 14 Dec 1836, Blount County, Tennessee. He died 5 Oct 1892 in Blossom, Lamar County,Texas, and was buried in the Knights of Honor Cemetery, Blossom, Lamar County, Texas. He married 8 Nov 1855, in Blount County, Tennessee, Elizabeth Ingram. She was born 20 May 1836 in Blount County, Tennessee and died 5 Nov 1910 in Blossom, Lamar County, Texas. She is buried in the Knights of Honor Cemetery, Blossom, Lamar County, Texas. David started spelling his name Nuckols after he went to Texas. If this was the way the name just got spelled there, or if David knew something about his ancestors, is highly debatable. In 1900, Elizabeth was a boarder in the household of Chas A. Lyle, in Blossom, and in 1910 she was boarding in the household of Charlie Nelson, where she probably lived until she died.


30a. i William Thomas Nuchols b. 12 Dec 1857.

30b. ii John A. Nuchols b. 1859.

30c. iii James R. (Jim) Nuchols b. 1861.

30d. iv Charles Nuchols b. Jan 1866.

9. James Waters Nuchols

b. 23 Apr 1854, Blount County, Tennessee, and died 3 Oct 1922, Blount County, Tennessee. He was buried at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee. James married 20 Oct 1874, in Blount County, Tennessee, Mary Jane (Jennie) Broady, (daughter of Thomas B. Broady and Martha N. Clemens.) She was born 28 Jul 1853,in Blount County, Tennessee, and she died 13 Dec 1920, Blount County, Tennessee. Jennie was buried at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee.
Mary Jane was known as a "Scottish redhead that doctored everyone". She was a midwife, well educated, and wanted to train to be a physician. The cause of her death was a Flu Epidemic.


31. i Thomas Lamar Nuchols b. 20 Jun 1875.

32. ii Lou Anna (Annie) Nuchols b. 15 Jan 1881.

iii May Cowan Nuchols b. 11 Sep 1888, Blount County, Tennessee, d. 11 Jan 1954, Blount County, Tennessee. The cause of death was cancer. She was buried at Grandview Cemetery, Maryville, Blount County, Tennessee.

Miss Mae C. Nuchols, 65, of 214 Stanley St., Maryville, died to­day at 1:45 a.m. at Blount Memorial Hospital. Surviving is one brother, Thomas L. Nuchols; four nieces, Mrs. Jennie Garland Bates of Alcoa, Mrs. Rose Garland Bennett of Greenback, Mrs. Mary Nuchols Hitch of Maryville. Mrs. Sara Nuchols Moser of Knoxville; three nephews, Sam D. Nuchols of Maryville, James Nuchols of Texas, and Dallis Garland now in Korea. Funeral services Saturday at 3 p.m. at McCammon-Ammons Chapel, Dr. W. H. Crothers officiating. Interment in Grandview Cemetery. The body will remain at McCammon-Ammons. The family requests no flowers and asks that memorial gifts be made to the Cancer Society.

10. Andrew Jackson Nuchols

b. 16 Jul 1856, in Blount County, Tennessee. He died 7 May 1947, in Blount County, Tennessee and was buried in Clarks Grove Cemetery, Maryville, Blount County, Tennessee. Andrew married 19 Aug 1875, in Blount County, Tennessee, Sophronia Elizabeth Steele, (daughter of James Steele and Neomi Everett). She was born 1 Jan 1857, in Blount County, Tennessee, and died 11 Jan 1946 in Blount County, Tennessee. She was buried at Clarks Grove Cemetery, Maryville, Blount County, Tennessee.
A.J. Nuchols moved all over Blount County. He and his children knew a lot of people and shared their memories with others. He would go to Everett High School and share stories about living after the Civil War.

In the Maryville Times, Thursday, May 14, 1925, was the following:

   Mrs. A.J. Nuchols who has been seriously ill with cancer is no better. Mr. and Mrs H.A. Kidd and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nuchols and son spent Sunday with their mother, who is seriously ill.

From an edition of the Maryville Times, Thursday, August 27, 1925, came the following:

Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Observed

    A very unusual but elegantly planned "Open House Social," was given by Miss Agnes Nuchols at her home on Knoxville Avenue in observance of the Fiftieth Anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Nuchols.
    The entire home was thrown open to the guests. the color scheme carried out was gold and green in decorations and courses served. I receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Nuchols and Miss Agnes Nuchols. Mrs. Nuchols wore white crepe beaded dress. Miss Agnes Nuchols wore blue handed-painted crepe dress. The many useful and beautiful gifts were on display in the parlor which was decorated with gift flowers. In the hall under a green and gold arch was Mrs. Ralph Tucker, Sr., presiding over the punch bowl. She was gowned in gold georgette beaded dress.
    The dining room, where the guests were served a salad course, was beautiful in gold and green. The table was overlaid in gold and green. In the center was a gold basket on a mirror encircled by vines and golden rod and above hung from a chandelier a golden bell and streamers to each corner of the table and from the bell draped a "Cupid." The salad course served was of gold, and was served by Miss Nuchols and her neice, Miss Louise Clemens, who wore pink Voile Costume.
    The receiving hours were from 9 to 11 a.m., and from 1 to 6 p.m., and a large number of friends and relatives called during these hours and enjoyed this notable and happy occasion.
    The present home of this happy couple is a block away and in view of the old home of the bride of fifty years ago who was before her marriage Miss Elizabeth S. Steele. Another interesting feature was that one guest at the wedding of this couple was also present at the anniversary celebration. "Uncle" Elijah Nuchols, the oldest member living now of the Nuchols generation. As noted earlier, Elizabeth had cancer, and at one point was very ill.

The following was taken from the Maryville Times, Monday, June 29, 1925.


    Mrs. Andrew J. Nuchols who resides ar her home on the Knoxville Pike writes the following note of appreciation in behalf of her cousin, Mr. Willard H. Saults, who is founder of the Cancer Hospital, located in Centralia, Washington, and who has cured her of cancer, with which she has been suffering for over four years. He did not charge for the treatment as he wished to see if she could be cured by sending treatment to her by mail, and she was indeed cured and is in fine health. Her letter of appreciation follows:

Maryville, Tennessee, June 1925; To the Editor:

   Some two or three years ago, you published an article in your paper, telling of the beautiful hospital then being built by one of our former Maryville boys, Mr. Willard H. Saults, in memory of Dr. J.M. Saults, his father, who passed away in Cades Cove in 1914. Little did we dream at that time that his good work would reach back here, and save the lives of us living so far away from this wonderful institution. Some time ago I wrote asking Mr. Saults what could be done for me without me going to the expense of traveling to Centralia, Washington, where this Hospital is located.He at once had his head doctor furnish me with the necessary ointment to take it off; and I now feel that I am as well as ever; and it did not cost me one penny. I simply felt that his old Blount County friends would be interested to know the good work he is doing there; and that he is not doing it for money alone. This all happened after I had been treated here with X-Ray, etc., and had about given up all hope of ever getting well. This is not written in was of a testimonial; but because I feel that those who read of this hospital at that time would be interested to know what they are doing after three years active work. I also feel proud of what has been done for me; and without any cost to me whatever. Respectfully, Mrs. Andrew Nuchols.


i Neoma Nuchols b. 22 Jul 1876 in Blount County, Tennessee, and died 9 Nov 1876 in Blount County, Tennessee. She was buried in Piney Level Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee.

ii Mary Elizabeth Nuchols b. 9 Jan 1878 in Blount County, Tennessee. She died 16 Oct 1905 in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee. She was buried in Piney Level Baptist Church Cemetery, Blount County, Tennessee. She married 16 Jul 1901 in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee, Robert B. Varner, (son of Charles M. Varner and Mary E. (Varner)). He was born abt 1875 in Knox County, Tennessee.

In an 1886 Blount County newspaper, under the Seaton community news, was the following:

   "There was a wood chopping at Miss Mary Nuchols' Wednesday, after which the young folks spent the night in a social, while the old folks went hunting. They all attempted to cross the tog-log with their eyes shut, and Bill Everett fell off and got his feet wet; he returned to the house and spent the night at the social."


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